New York Times bestseller
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Bio: short version
DIANE A.S. STUCKART began her writing career in the 1990s as the critically acclaimed author of historical romance under the names Alexa Smart and Anna Gerard. She later switched to the mystery genre and is the NYT bestselling author of the Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries (written as Ali Brandon) and the award-winning Leonardo da Vinci historical mysteries. Her Tarot Cats Mystery series launched in 2018 with FOOL’S MOON. Her Georgia B&B Mystery series (also written as Anna Gerard) debuted in 2019 with PEACH CLOBBERED. Kirkus Reviews describes that book as “Filled with Southern charm and enough ditzy characters to keep readers guessing and laughing.” Book 3 in the series, PEACHES AND SCHEMES—her 18th published novel—hit the shelves May 2021. A fourth Georgia B&B Mystery and second Tarot Cats mystery are currently in progress. Learn more about her books at www.dianestuckart.com

Photo by James Eisele

Photo by James Eisele

Photo by Jeffrey Phillips

Photo by James Eisele
Bio...long version
DIANE A.S. STUCKART began her writing career in the 1990s as the critically acclaimed author of historical romance under the names Alexa Smart and Anna Gerard. She later switched to the mystery genre and is the New York Times bestselling author of the Black Cat Bookshop Mystery series written as Ali Brandon. Additionally, she is the author of the award-winning Leonardo da Vinci historical mysteries, which received starred reviews from Library Journal and Publishers Weekly, as well as a Florida Book Award for the second in the series, PORTRAIT OF A LADY. She’s also penned several mystery, fantasy, and romance short stories that have appeared in various anthologies and magazines.
Diane’s latest ventures include the Tarot Cats Mystery series set in a West Palm Beach botanica and stars a pair of clever feline detectives. Her Georgia B&B Mystery series, written as Anna Gerard, features an innkeeper-turned-sleuth in a fictional tourist town west of Savannah. Book 3 in that series, PEACHES AND SCHEMES, is her 18th published novel and was released in 2021. A fourth Georgia B&B Mystery and second Tarot Cats mystery are currently in progress
A member of Mystery Writers of America, Diane served as the 2018 and 2019 Chapter President of the MWA Florida chapter. She’s also a member of Sisters in Crime and the Cat Writers’ Association. Outside her writing life, she’s an avid thrifter with shops on Etsy and eBay and is a member and past secretary of the Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association.
Diane is a native Texan with a degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma but has been living in the West Palm Beach, FL area since 2006. She shares her “almost in the Everglades” home with her husband, dogs, cats, and a few beehives. Learn more about her books at www.dianestuckart.com
Pertinent Facts:
New York Times bestselling author of the Black Cat Bookshop Mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime (writing as Ali Brandon)
2009 Florida Book Award Silver Medal Winner for PORTRAIT OF A LADY (written as Diane A.S. Stuckart)
Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award Finalist for her first published novel, MASQUERADE (written as Alexa Smart)
Her books are published in multiple languages including German, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese
She has a BA degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma
In her daytime job, she is a Certified Professional in Supply Management (C.P.S.M.)
A member of the Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association
Founding Member of the Paranormal Researchers of South Florida (PROS-Florida)
Born in Lubbock, Texas, spent most of her life in Dallas (save for a 7-year stint in the Oklahoma City area) but currently a resident of South Florida
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Diane is represented by...
Josh Getzler
HG Literary
6 West 18TH ST. SUITE 7R | NEW YORK, NY 10011
Twitter: @jgetzler